E. V. Day, Anatomy of Hugh Hefner's Private Jet (#1-#5) (1999) (fig. 3), a series of five blueprints in an edition of eight plus two artist's proofs. Each measures 24x18 in. and was printed on blueprint paper at Ever-Ready Blueprints, New York. "Each drawing in the series," writes artist E. V Day of her recent takeoff, so to speak, on Hugh Hefner's late 1960’s pleasure jet, "represents a stage of development wherein the interior components of this microorganism propagate and proliferate into variable possibilities of an orgiastic macro-colony.” Sounds like a narrative of the 21st century. Basing her drawings on floor plans of the Ur-Playboy's "air-borne pleasure palace," as Day puts it, she mutates its interior components (labeled "bar," "elliptical bed,” “lounge," etc.) into a kind of disease that festers and spreads, as these components proliferate, pressing against the jet's contours and warping them into something else altogether. The subtitles tell all: Cross-section of Hugh Hefner's Digestive System; Three-Mile-High-Club Proliferation—Stage II and Stage III; Three-Mile-High-Club Metastasis; and Metastatic Rupture. Couching them in architectural blueprint keeps the prints relatively analytical in feeling, so they are never too much more than conceptually yucky. Price: $3,500. Published by the artist.
Three-Mile-High-Club Metastasis, 1999
Three-Mile-High-Club Metastasis, 1999